What are the Benefits of Turkey Tail Mushroom for Immune System?

Benefits of Turkey Tail Mushroom

Turkey tail, a potent medicinal mushroom, is abundant in antioxidants and various compounds. Research indicates that it may bolster your immune system, promote a balanced gut microbiome, and potentially aid in the treatment of specific cancers.

Medicinal mushrooms comprise a group of fungi rich in health-promoting compounds.

Of the numerous mushrooms with medicinal properties, Trametes versicolor, also known as Coriolus versicolor, is particularly renowned.

Often referred to as turkey tail for its vibrant colors, Trametes versicolor has been utilized across the globe for centuries to address a variety of health conditions.

Arguably, the most exceptional feature of the turkey tail mushroom lies in its potential to bolster your gut health.

Research Based Benefits of Turkey Tail Mushroom For Immune System

Explore these 5 immune-boosting advantages offered by the turkey tail mushroom.

1. Improves Gut Health

Maintaining a balanced composition of beneficial gut bacteria is crucial for supporting a robust immune system.

Gut bacteria interact with immune cells, directly influencing your immune response.

Turkey tail mushroom contains prebiotics that nourish these advantageous bacteria. Research has shown that turkey tail treatment can positively impact the gut microbiome, similarly to prebiotic supplements.

For instance, a test-tube study demonstrated that turkey tail extract altered gut bacteria composition by increasing populations of beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, while reducing potentially harmful bacteria like Clostridium and Staphylococcus.

Healthy levels of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium bacteria have been associated with improved intestinal symptoms like diarrhea, enhanced immune system function, reduced cholesterol levels, decreased risk of specific cancers, and better digestion.

Turkey tail can even protect and prevent a leaky gut!

2. Contains Immune-Boosting Polysaccharopeptides

Turkey tail mushroom is rich in polysaccharopeptides, which are protein-bound polysaccharides (carbohydrates).

Krestin (PSK) and Polysaccharide Peptide (PSP) represent two types of polysaccharopeptides found in turkey tail mushrooms.

These compounds enhance immune response by activating and inhibiting specific immune cells and reducing inflammation.

For example, test-tube studies have shown that PSP boosts monocytes, a type of white blood cell that combats infection and strengthens immunity.

PSK stimulates dendritic cells, which contribute to immunity against toxins and regulate the immune response. PSK activates natural killer cells, a variety of white blood cell that defends against pathogens and cancerous tumors.

Owing to their innate ability to reinforce the immune system, PSP and PSK are frequently employed as anticancer agents alongside surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or a combination of these treatments in countries such as Japan and China.

3. Packed with Antioxidants

Antioxidants are vital compounds that help prevent or mitigate damage caused by oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress arises from an imbalance between antioxidants and unstable molecules called free radicals, leading to cellular damage and chronic inflammation.

This imbalance has also been associated with an elevated risk of developing health issues, such as certain cancers and heart disease.

Fortunately, consuming antioxidant-rich foods or supplementing with these potent compounds can decrease oxidative stress and inflammation.

Turkey tail mushroom boasts a remarkable assortment of antioxidants, including phenols and flavonoids.

Phenol and flavonoid antioxidants support immune system health by alleviating inflammation and triggering the release of protective compounds.

For instance, quercetin has been demonstrated to encourage the release of immunoprotective proteins like interferon-y while inhibiting the release of pro-inflammatory enzymes cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LOX).

4. May Improve Immune Function in People with Cancer

Research has indicated that turkey tail mushroom may possess antitumor properties, which are believed to be connected to its immune-boosting effects.

One study discovered that PSK, the polysaccharopeptide present in turkey tail mushrooms, hindered the growth and spread of human colon cancer cells.

Furthermore, a specific type of polysaccharide found in turkey tail, called Coriolus versicolor glucan (CVG), may suppress certain tumors.

A study involving tumor-bearing mice revealed that treatment with 45.5 and 90.9 milligrams (mg) per pound or 100 and 200 mg per kilogram (kg) of body weight of CVG extracted from turkey tail mushrooms daily led to a significant reduction in tumor size.

Researchers attributed this outcome to an enhanced immune response.

A systematic review and meta-analysis also determined that PSK from turkey tail improves survival rates in individuals with colorectal or intestinal cancer, particularly when combined with chemotherapy.

5. May Help Fight Some Cancers

Breast Cancer

Women receiving treatment for breast cancer may potentially benefit from the therapeutic properties of turkey tail mushroom.

Indeed, a 2008 review advocated for further investigation into the potential benefits of turkey tail mushroom and its PSK component in breast cancer treatment. It was suggested as a supplementary immunotherapy to be administered following primary breast cancer treatments such as surgery or chemotherapy.

Lung Cancer

A 2015 review encompassing 11 clinical trials and 17 preclinical studies determined that using PSK derived from Trametes versicolor mushrooms contributed to increased survival in lung cancer patients who underwent radiation therapy.

The extract also appeared to enhance other aspects of the patients' progress, such as body weight, immune function, and overall quality of life.

Colon Cancer

A study investigating the use of extracts obtained from two types of mushrooms, including turkey tail mushrooms, revealed potential in treating colon cancer cells.

A 2019 study explored the effects of combining Trametes versicolor and Grifola frondosa, more commonly known as maitake or hen-of-the-woods mushroom.

The combined mushroom extracts exhibited the capability to inhibit cancer cell proliferation. Researchers also discovered that the two extracts together could enhance the efficacy of 5-fluorouracil, a drug frequently used in colorectal cancer treatment.


A 2013 in vitro study demonstrated promising results in utilizing an extract derived from turkey tail mushrooms for leukemia treatment.

The researchers examined the impact of an extract obtained from Trametes versicolor mushrooms on leukemia cells. They compared its use individually and in combination with Ganoderma lucidum, also known as reishi mushroom.

The researchers discovered that the combination was more potent than Trametes versicolor alone. They hypothesize that this may be due to the two distinct mushrooms affecting different biological processes.

This combination might benefit cancer patients on a wider scale.

Other Benefits

1. May Improve Athletic Performance: A study involving mice demonstrated that turkey tail mushroom extract enhanced exercise performance and diminished indicators of fatigue. Additionally, the mice treated with turkey tail exhibited reduced blood sugar levels both at rest and after exercise.

2. May Improve Insulin Resistance: A study conducted on rats with type 2 diabetes showed that turkey tail mushroom extract substantially lowered blood sugar levels and enhanced insulin sensitivity.

3. Has Antibacterial Qualities: In an in vitro study, turkey tail mushroom extract demonstrated the ability to suppress the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enterica, bacteria known to cause illness and infection.

4. May Combat HPV: A study involving 91 women with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection discovered that 84.9% of those treated with a turkey tail mushroom-based vaginal gel exhibited normal pap smear and colposcopy results six months post-treatment. This contrasts with the 64.5% of participants who did not use the gel. Furthermore, 59.6% of the treated women were completely cleared of the virus, compared to 41.9% of those who did not receive the treatment.

Turkey Tail from NEUBRAIN

Now that you know about the various health benefits of turkey tail mushroom, it’s time to incorporate it into your daily diet.

NEUBRAIN offers the smartest, performance-hacking nutrition solutions, that include the highest-quality reishi mushrooms. Our Smart Coffee Blend combines a potent blend of Turkey Tail, Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Reishi, and Chaga, along with our favorite nootropics: L-Theanine, L-Tyrosine, and Alpha GPC for enhanced support.

As a delicious medium roast coffee with hints of cocoa, here are some of our favorite ways to enjoy our coffee blend:

As a Coffee: Add one tablespoon of our blend to 10-12oz of water for a brain and body boosting start to your day. Add sweetener as desired.

As a Latte: Add one tablespoon of our blend to 2oz of warm water. Blend, and add your choice of steamed milk. Add sweetener as desired.

In a Smoothie: Blend a half to a 1 tablespoon of our blend with your favorite fruits, vegetables, and yogurt for a nutritious and delicious smoothie.

Overnight Oats: Add a half to a 1 tablespoon of our blend to your favorite oatmeal recipe for an extra boost in your day.

Bake with it: Add half a tablespoon of our powder to your favorite brownie recipe, pancake mix, or coffee muffin recipe for a healthy and delicious treat.

And any other way you choose to get your daily dose.

Recommended Dosage of Turkey Tail Mushroom

Our Smart Coffee Blend was developed by nutritionists, using real clinical trials, to ensure safe and effective use. NEUBRAIN uses only 100% fruiting-body, double-extracted, and fair-trade mushrooms.

We pride ourselves on being GMO-free, gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free, and paleo and keto friendly. Every pouch is third-party tested for purity and accuracy in a state-of-the-art, ISO 17025 accredited facility.

We recommend a daily dose of 1-2 tablespoons of our Smart Coffee Blend, containing 1850mg of Turkey Tial, Reishi, Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, and Chaga mushrooms.

We recommend taking 1 tablespoon at the start of your day, and 1 tablespoon in the afternoon or before a workout, if desired.

The Bottom Line

Turkey tail is a medicinal mushroom known for its remarkable array of health benefits.

This mushroom along with coffee is rich in potent antioxidants and other compounds that can potentially enhance your immune system and contribute to combating specific cancers.

Moreover, turkey tail may also favorably impact gut bacteria balance, thereby positively influencing immunity.

Given its immune-boosting properties, it comes as no surprise that turkey tail is a widely sought-after natural remedy to promote overall health.

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