Smart Coffee

Smart Coffee combines the coffee you love with powerful nootropics, functional mushrooms & adaptogens to promote focus, energy, and supercharged motivation to upgrade your productivity. Great taste, without the jitters, anxiety, or crash...

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Quality guarantee -

Two of our core brand values are quality & innovation, which is why everything we do is built on a foundation of excellence & performance. Our products are - 

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100% fruiting body of the mushroom

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Formulated and blended in the USA

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Dual extracted

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Third party tested

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125mg caffeine per serving

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Patented ingredients - Infinergy® CognatiQ® BioPerine®

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Quality guarantee -

Two of our core brand values are quality & innovation, which is why everything we do is built on a foundation of excellence & performance. Our products are - 

Untitled design - 2024-07-24T192752.416 (1).png__PID:23610de8-8b02-4f9d-82da-3524df29c132

100% fruiting body of the mushroom

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Formulated and blended in the USA

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Dual extracted

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Third party tested

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125mg caffeine per serving

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Patented ingredients - Infinergy® CognatiQ® BioPerine®

Infinergy® CognatiQ® BioPerine®

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with 10,000+ happy customers

Need some more convincing? click below...


from our unique potent blend of these quality ingredients - keto, gluten-free, non-GMO, made in USA - 3-4x stronger than our competitors

Interested in the extensive research data (18).png__PID:9f7c7cfb-8c8e-41f5-a976-81d82e720f86

CognatiQ® (NeuroFactor)

85 mg

A patented form of coffee-berry that increases BDNF levels, providing elevated focus and mood.

Interested in the extensive research data (19).png__PID:7cfb8c8e-81f5-4976-81d8-2e720f86bec1


85 mg

A patented caffeine from green coffee beans that lasts longer and has no crash

Interested in the extensive research data (20).png__PID:8c8e81f5-2976-41d8-ae72-0f86bec1c6f5


5 mg

A patented form of black pepper extract proven to make all ingredients more bioavailable (it makes Smart Coffee work even better)

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Lions man mushroom

500 mg

The 'brain mushroom' - known to stimulate nerve growth & improve memory, focus & clarity

Interested in the extensive research data (23).png__PID:dd167764-d908-4fde-a549-8bc923149d36

Functional mushrooms

Chaga, Reishi, Turkey tail, Cordyceps

A blend of the best functional mushrooms to provide energy, immunity, and sleep support

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100 mg

An amino acid found in tea leaves that promotes energy and intense focus

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Natural Caffeine (from Coffee)

125 mg

A strong kick of energy and alertness (plus a delicious flavor)

Interested in the extensive research data (22).png__PID:616326e1-43c8-4d16-b764-d9089fdee549

Alpha GPC

100 mg

Specialized choline compound shown to improve learning and combat brain fog

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100 mg

An amino acid that improves mental performance, alertness, and memory for extended periods

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Type I and III Peptides

Supports a healthy gut, strong joints, luscious hair, and beautiful skin

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Guarana extract

50 mg

Reduces fatigue, boosts brain health, and protects the heart

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Cocoa bean

5 mg

Added for that warm and fuzzy feel-good feeling and a delicious flavor

'unlock a new world,
of energy
& performance'

4.9/5 (1300+ 5 star reviews)

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I (27).png__PID:781ad7ca-ff6f-4dea-8626-7de3ac5cc03e

4.9/5 (1300+ 5 star reviews)

join us on the journey, to your very best self...


The reviews speak for themselves!

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4.9/5 (1300+ reviews)

4.9/5 (1300+ 5 star reviews)

read more reviews here...
I (27).png__PID:781ad7ca-ff6f-4dea-8626-7de3ac5cc03e

My productivity increased

"I have ADHD and I work from home. I've tried setting routines to help me focus, but it's sometimes very hard to concentrate. I bought this with low expectations but thought it was worth a try. I have to say it's made a MASSIVE difference and has helped me enormously"

- Violet

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I love Smart Coffee

"It dissolves very well and was not gritty at all. It tastes good, like actual coffee. It's a gradual energy that stays with you all day, but not so much that you can't sleep at night. My head is clear now and I feel great with NEUBRAIN! I just added another bag to my order so I'll get two next time!"

- Nathan

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Lovely coffee taste

"It tastes like smooth and creamy coffee and is lovely with oat milk. The first time taking it I felt alert and awake but not a jittery way like coffee does to me. I love this product, it's an absolute game changer"

- Jessica

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I quit regular coffee

"since starting with smart coffee, my energy has increased and I can hold thoughts longer and my ability to make quick decisions has gone up tremendously. I even use this as a pre-workout and it works great for me. I barely write reviews but this produc is just too good"

- Alejandro

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Got questions? We've got answers...

Are these 'magic' mushrooms?

No they are not, our products are 100% within international laws & regulations - we are all about creating innovative consumer products that can help boost mental performance, mood and general well being for everyone! For now, this is the best alternative in a format you'll love...

How does it taste?

It tastes delicious, and absolutely NOTHING like mushrooms whatsoever! We currently offer 1 flavor - coffee - but are working on matcha, chocolate, and vanilla blends!

Are the ingredients safe?

All of our ingredients are 100% safe, with zero exceptions - we work with nutritional experts and testing labs to develop highly potent, effective formulas that are much stronger than most of what is available on the market elsewhere, with quality being our number one priority! Our products aren't cheap to produce, and this is reflected in their potency and long term effectiveness

How does this stuff even work?

We've combined patented ingredients, nootropics, and functional mushrooms into our blend - it's guaranteed to work after one cup!

Our patented ingredients have been clinically studied, peer reviewed, and proven to work. They're also 100% natural. We've combined them with nootropics to enhance your brain power through increased clarity of thought, focus, and mental motivation. We've also paired them with mushrooms...

Mushrooms are nature's ancient superpower, there is no doubt about it! Our potent blend of 5 primary mushroom extracts, combined with our highly effective nootropics has a strong adaptogenic effect on the body and mind. These ingredients have been used for thousands of years all around the world, and their impact has been scientifically proven on countless occasions. 

Combining the ingredients we do in 'Smart Coffee' at the dosages we do, has a powerful natural impact!

How will I feel when taking Smart Coffee?

Smart Coffee is a 'for us, by us' product, meaning we've designed and developed it for ourselves first, knowing that people just like us (entrepreneurs, creatives & hustlers of all kinds) will love it too!

The whole idea of 'Smart Coffee' centers around longevity andperformance, meaning you can take it everyday and never feel like you need a break - without experiencing any negative side effects or dependency. 

In summary, you will feel sharper focus, sustained energy (both mentally and physically) and superior motivation to carry you through the day - zero jitters & zero crash

How do I know if Smart Coffee is right for me?

If you love coffee, but don't enjoy the jitters, anxiety or crash that follows - then Smart Coffee is for you!

If you like mushroom coffee, but think other brands don't work as well as they should, then Smart Coffee is for you!

We add patented ingredients, nootropics, and adaptogens to our blend, so it's guaranteed to start working after your first cup. 

It really is 'coffee plus' - all the pros of coffee (and then some), without any of the negative you've become used to - a win win

What products does Smart Coffee replace?

Put simply, Smart Coffee is 'coffee plus' - but really we think it can replace a few different things 1) your usual coffee 2) energy drinks 3) nootropic or stimulant pills - whatever your current habit or vice, we're sure Smart Coffee can be a great upgrade to your productivity and wellness routine!

What's the best way to use the product?

smart Coffee is a super versatile & convenient all-in-one blend - you can drink it by itself with water or milk (hot or cold) - or add it to your usual coffee, tea, or protein shake - Smart Coffee is designed for ease of use and can be mixed with just about anything you like, get creative with it!

How much should I take and when?

We've designed 'Smart coffee' to be a once per day, 'all in one' type blend - super simple & effective. A single 6.6g serving (1 tablespoon) in the morning will see you through the day nicely! However, some people prefer to take two 4g servings at different times - or even add slightly more to their daily routine - we advise taking no more than 2x 6.6g servings per day maximum - just find what works best for you! Remember, you can mix it with almost anything - water, milk, coffee, tea, whatever floats your boat. :)

Do you offer samples?

Yes, we now offer sample sachets which you can buy as a trial pack for free (just pay shipping), or a 7x or 14x pack to see how you like Smart Coffee - visit our collection page to find these!

Does the pouch come with a scooper?

Not anymore, as we're doing our best to be more environmentally conscious and we listened to your feedback on this! For a full serving or Smart Coffee (6.6 grams) you can use a single tablespoon or one scoop of our magic metal spoon we offer in our starter kit and for sale on our website

Does it contain any calories?

Yes, a full 1 tbsp serving of Smart Coffee v2.0 contains 29 calories from the active ingredients and cocoa powder - you can see the full nutritional breakdown on the product page

What makes Smart Coffee different?

A few key things - 1) Great taste, nothing like mushrooms and legitimately much nicer than everything else on the market 2) Super potent active ingredient dosages - check for yourself and you'll see that our active dosages are 3-4x stronger than most products on the market 3) Patented ingredients - we use the most effective ingredients, even though they're expensive, so the product begins working almost immediately 4) First mushroom coffee on the market with patented ingredients, plenty have tried to imitate but Smart Coffee was the first 'all in one' coffee upgrade mushroom blend - go with the original and best :)

Is it safe to take with medications?

Generally yes, but as always you should consult with your doctor if you have any specific questions or concers about your medication.

How do I use Smart Coffee?

Step 1 - scoop 1 tbsp serving

Step 2 - Mix with water or milk, hot or cold

Step 3 - Use your frother (that comes in the starter kit) to blend/mix to perfection

Step 4 - Drink & enjoy focus, energy, and superior motivation

Smart Coffee is super versatile and can be mixed with and consumed pretty much any way you like.

Can I take Smart Coffee everyday?

Absolutely yes! It's been designed to be an all-in-one daily blend, and we recommend consistent long term use to feel the greatest benefits. 

Some people prefer to take a few days off every now and then, or increase/reduce their dosage to suit their lifestyle and needs on certain days - but it certainly can be taken every day!

What does the 3rd party lab test for?

Our 3rd party lab is a leading partner in alanytical laboratory services located in Utah. They are ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited, DEA-licensed, and FDA-registered.

As our partner, they complete microbiological and chemical testing for each batch of Smart Coffee we produce. This analysis tests for mycotoxins, heavy metals, purity, and more!

If you would like to see the results of our testing, please send an email to hi@neubrain.co.

Where is NEUBRAIN based?

We're located in Chicago, IL! All our products are proudly made in the USA and we have our warehouse in Chicago, where we hold our stock and ship all your orders from! :)

What's the deal with subscriptions?

The greatest benefits with Smart Coffee come from long term, consistent use - we generally recommend trying the product for at least 3 months to see the absolute best results when fully integrated into your lifestyle & routine!

We offer a few different types of subscriptions - rolling monthly & wuarterly billing - both offer significant savings compared to a one time purchase, and as always - you can edit your subscription anytime directly from the website yoursefl, no questions asked!

Why should I become a NEUBRAIN member?

Being a VIP Member gets you the best blends at the best prices! That means 20-50% off eveything, and early access to new launches!

You will receive free shipping on all orders, and free exchanges within 30 days.

As a VIP, you will also receive access to monthly rewards! These include steep discounts, free product, and even yeti-inspired tumblers.

Earn NEUBRAIN loyalty points with each purchase and earn Cash Rewards and free bonuses as you accumulate points!

Don't want coffee every month? Set your reorders for every 30/60/90 days, or login and click "Skip the Month" before your reorder date. 

Do I have to place an order every month with my subscription?

Nope! You never have to make a purchase - unless you fall in love with our coffee (highly possible).

Each month you will have an opportunity to be billed or skip the month. 

You can skip as many times as you like, but know that you unlock the steepest deals by staying subscribed!

Can I cancel my membership anytime?

Yes, but we hate to see you go! There is no cancellation fee and you can cancel anytime. You may cancel your subscription by visitin your My Account page. 

If you cancel your VIP membership, you can still shop the site at retail prices and redeem any unused credits left on your account.